Citations Analysis

SCOPUS Citation Analysis
Policy & Governance Review is cited at least 22 times at Scopus database 
Update December 16nd, 2022 10.50 AM GMT+7 | First published in 2017

  1. Santoso, A.D(2017). Tweeting in disaster area: An analysis of Tweets during 2016 major floods in Indonesia. Policy & Governance Review, 1(3), pp. 178-188.
    1. Yumagulova, L., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C.M., (...), McGee, T.K., Whitehair, R.(2019). The role of disaster volunteering in Indigenous communitiesEnvironmental Hazards.
    2. Safitri, Y., Angeline, M., Wibowo, D..(2021). Tweeps and their tweeting behavior during natural disasterIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 729(1),012083.
  2. Sutarna, I.T., Husna, K., Iswari, P.(2017). Elaboration on public administration crises: An endeavor in seeking scientific identity . Policy & Governance Review, 1(1), pp. 12-25.
    1. Yumagulova, L., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C.M., (...), McGee, T.K., Whitehair, R.(2019). Building a network concept in contemporary public administration. Public Administration Issues. 5, pp. 46-61
  3. Wahyuni, A., Mulyadi, E. (2017).Policy of inclusive education for education for all in Indonesia. Policy & Governance Review, 1(3), pp. 201-212
    1. Prasetiyo, W.H., Ishak, N.A., Basit, A., (...), Casmana, A.R., Muhibbin, A.(2020). Caring for the environment in an inclusive school: The adiwiyata green school program in indonesiaIssues in Educational Research 30(3), pp. 1040-1057
    2. Arlinwibowo, J., Retnawati, H., Kartowagiran, B., Mustaqim, Y. (2021). Inclusion Schools in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia: Regulations, Facilities and Aspirations of TeachersInternational Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 13(1), pp. 09-19/
    3. Burrows, K., Son, J.-Y., Bell, M.L. (2021). Do socioeconomic factors influence who is most likely to relocate after environmental disasters? A case study in IndonesiaSustainability (Switzerland) 13(11),6228
  4. Rachmawati, T., Pertiwi, P.D. (2017).Smart Environment Program, Smart Way to Smart City. Policy & Governance Review, 1(1), pp. 26-36
    1. Rouli, J., Dyah Kusumastuti, R.(2020). Decreasing urban environment quality and smart environment initiativesE3S Web of Conferences 211,01025
  5. Andhika, Rian, L., Nurasa, H., Karlina, N., Candradewini, C.(2018). Logic model of governance innovation and public policy in public service . Policy & Governance Review, 2(2), pp. 85-98.
    1. Kusumasari, B., Pramusinto, A., Santoso, A.D., Fathin, C.A.(2019). What shapes public sector innovation?Public Policy and Administration 18(4), pp. 430-446
  6. Marpaung, Z. S., Santoso, A. D. (2019). Performer, Reporter, and Marketer: Three Different Local Parliament Faces on Social Media . Policy & Governance Review, 3(3), pp.272-287
    1. Santoso, A.D., Rinjany, D.K., Bafadhal, O.M. (2020). Social media and local government in indonesia: Adoption, use and stakeholder engagement Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 22(3), pp. 21-35
  7. Nurhidayati, D. (2019). Does digital public service complaint promote accountability? a comparative analysis of Upik Yogyakarta and Qlue Jakarta. Policy & Governance Review, 3(2), pp.127-141
    1. Pribadi, U., Iqbal, M., Saputra, H.A. (2021). Implementation of Online Single Submission Software Application in Yogyakarta City: Identifying Prominent Factors of Organizational Aspects IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 717(1),012025
  8. Reressy, N.P., Pramusinto, A., Margono, S.A., Susanto, E. (2019). Paradox of Social Capital in the Implementation of Public Policy (Finding in the Tanimbar Islands Regency) . Policy & Governance Review, 3(2), pp.157-170.
    1. Hennida, C., Santoso, Y.W., Kinasih, S.E. (2019). The role of the adat institution on land conflict resolution in TanimbarInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13(3), pp. 48-61
  9. Zulkarnain, Z.P., Prasojo, E. (2020). Understanding Japan’s civil service system: Norms, meritocracy, and institutional change . Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.1-17.
    1. Su, Y., Xiao, X. (2021). Interacting effects of political social media use, political discussion and political trust on civic engagement: Extending the differential gains modelInternational Communication Gazette, Article in Press
  10. Rhama, B., Setiawan, F. (2020). Asssessing publicprivate partnership in Indonesia tourism . Policy & Governance Review, 4(3), pp.197-209.
    1. Mananeke, L., Machmud, R. (2021). Interacting effects of political social media use, political discussion and political trust on civic engagement: Extending the differential gains model. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 16(4), pp.759-764
  11. Yudiatmaja, W.E. (2020). Public service motivation and service quality of local government employees: A moderated mediation analysis. Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.33-49.
    1. Chikazhe, L., Nyakunuwa, E. (2022).Promotion of Perceived Service Quality Through Employee Training and Empowerment: The Mediating Role of Employee Motivation and Internal Communication. Services Marketing Quarterly, 43(3), pp.294-311
    2. Yudiatmaja, W.E., Salomo, R.V., Prasojo, E. (2021). Smart Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA) competencies during COVID-19: A confirmatory factor analysis using SEM approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2049(1), pp.012014
  12. Nugroho, A.A., Azmi, I.F. (2021). Alleviating Society’s Economic Crisis: Narrative Policy on Social Safety Nets Policy Process during Covid-19 Pandemic. Policy & Governance Review, 5(2), pp.113-127.
    1. Biswas Mellamphy, N., Girard, T., Campbell, A. (2022). Interpreting crises through narratives: the construction of a COVID-19 policy narrative by Canada’s political parties. Critical Policy Studies, Article in Press
  13. Maznorbalia, A., Safiah, S., Awalluddin, M.A., Aiman, A. (2021). Users acceptance of E-government system in sintok, Malaysia: Applying the UTAUT model . Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.66-81.
    1. Zeebaree, M., Agoyi, M., Aqel, M. (2022). Sustainable Adoption of E-Government from the UTAUT Perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland),  14(9), pp.5370. Press
    2. Mensah, I.K., Mwakapesa, D.S. (2022). The Drivers of the Behavioral Adoption Intention of BITCOIN Payment from the Perspective of Chinese Citizens.  Security and Communication Networks,2022, pp.7373658. Press
    3. Mensah, I.K., Mwakapesa, D.S. (2022). The Impact of Context Awareness and Ubiquity on Mobile Government Service Adoption. Mobile Information Systems,2022, pp.5918826. Press
  14. Rassanjani, S., Risky, N., Maz, D., Alqarni, W., Tharis, M. A. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activities and Poverty Threats in the Asia-Pacific Region. Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.82-96.
    1. Albada, A., Nizar, N.. (2022). The Impact of the Investor Sentiment Index (SMI) on the Malaysian Stock Market during the COVID 19 Pandamic. International Journal of Economics and Management, 16(2), pp. 225-236
  15. Putera, P.B., Pasciana, R. (2021). Big data for public domain: A bibliometric and visualized study of the scientific discourse during 2000–2020 . Policy & Governance Review, 5(3), pp.220-239.
    1. Putera, P.B., Suryanto, S., Ningrum, S., Widianingsih, I., Rianto, Y. (2022). Three Decades of Discourse on Science, Technology and Innovation in National Innovation System: A Bibliometric Analysis (1990-2020). Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2109854
  16. Tanjung Sutarna, I., Agus Margono, S., Heruanto Hadna, A. (2021). Post Decentralization Corruption: A study on perpetual corruption at the local level in West Lombok. . Policy & Governance Review, 5(3), pp.274.
    1. Alam, M.D.S., Gani, A.J.A., Muluk, M.R.K., Wijaya, A.F. (2022). The Patronage Leadership on Java: Is There a Toxic Leader?. Res Militaris, 12(2), pp. 553-566