Citations Analysis
SCOPUS Citation Analysis
Policy & Governance Review is cited at least 22 times at Scopus database
Update December 16nd, 2022 10.50 AM GMT+7 | First published in 2017
- Santoso, A.D(2017). Tweeting in disaster area: An analysis of Tweets during 2016 major floods in Indonesia. Policy & Governance Review, 1(3), pp. 178-188.
- Yumagulova, L., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C.M., (...), McGee, T.K., Whitehair, R.(2019). The role of disaster volunteering in Indigenous communitiesEnvironmental Hazards.
- Safitri, Y., Angeline, M., Wibowo, D..(2021). Tweeps and their tweeting behavior during natural disasterIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 729(1),012083.
- Sutarna, I.T., Husna, K., Iswari, P.(2017). Elaboration on public administration crises: An endeavor in seeking scientific identity . Policy & Governance Review, 1(1), pp. 12-25.
- Yumagulova, L., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C.M., (...), McGee, T.K., Whitehair, R.(2019). Building a network concept in contemporary public administration. Public Administration Issues. 5, pp. 46-61
- Wahyuni, A., Mulyadi, E. (2017).Policy of inclusive education for education for all in Indonesia. Policy & Governance Review, 1(3), pp. 201-212
- Prasetiyo, W.H., Ishak, N.A., Basit, A., (...), Casmana, A.R., Muhibbin, A.(2020). Caring for the environment in an inclusive school: The adiwiyata green school program in indonesiaIssues in Educational Research 30(3), pp. 1040-1057
- Arlinwibowo, J., Retnawati, H., Kartowagiran, B., Mustaqim, Y. (2021). Inclusion Schools in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia: Regulations, Facilities and Aspirations of TeachersInternational Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 13(1), pp. 09-19/
- Burrows, K., Son, J.-Y., Bell, M.L. (2021). Do socioeconomic factors influence who is most likely to relocate after environmental disasters? A case study in IndonesiaSustainability (Switzerland) 13(11),6228
- Rachmawati, T., Pertiwi, P.D. (2017).Smart Environment Program, Smart Way to Smart City. Policy & Governance Review, 1(1), pp. 26-36
- Rouli, J., Dyah Kusumastuti, R.(2020). Decreasing urban environment quality and smart environment initiativesE3S Web of Conferences 211,01025
- Andhika, Rian, L., Nurasa, H., Karlina, N., Candradewini, C.(2018). Logic model of governance innovation and public policy in public service . Policy & Governance Review, 2(2), pp. 85-98.
- Kusumasari, B., Pramusinto, A., Santoso, A.D., Fathin, C.A.(2019). What shapes public sector innovation?Public Policy and Administration 18(4), pp. 430-446
- Marpaung, Z. S., Santoso, A. D. (2019). Performer, Reporter, and Marketer: Three Different Local Parliament Faces on Social Media . Policy & Governance Review, 3(3), pp.272-287
- Santoso, A.D., Rinjany, D.K., Bafadhal, O.M. (2020). Social media and local government in indonesia: Adoption, use and stakeholder engagement Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 22(3), pp. 21-35
- Nurhidayati, D. (2019). Does digital public service complaint promote accountability? a comparative analysis of Upik Yogyakarta and Qlue Jakarta. Policy & Governance Review, 3(2), pp.127-141
- Pribadi, U., Iqbal, M., Saputra, H.A. (2021). Implementation of Online Single Submission Software Application in Yogyakarta City: Identifying Prominent Factors of Organizational Aspects IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 717(1),012025
- Reressy, N.P., Pramusinto, A., Margono, S.A., Susanto, E. (2019). Paradox of Social Capital in the Implementation of Public Policy (Finding in the Tanimbar Islands Regency) . Policy & Governance Review, 3(2), pp.157-170.
- Hennida, C., Santoso, Y.W., Kinasih, S.E. (2019). The role of the adat institution on land conflict resolution in TanimbarInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13(3), pp. 48-61
- Zulkarnain, Z.P., Prasojo, E. (2020). Understanding Japan’s civil service system: Norms, meritocracy, and institutional change . Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.1-17.
- Su, Y., Xiao, X. (2021). Interacting effects of political social media use, political discussion and political trust on civic engagement: Extending the differential gains modelInternational Communication Gazette, Article in Press
- Rhama, B., Setiawan, F. (2020). Asssessing publicprivate partnership in Indonesia tourism . Policy & Governance Review, 4(3), pp.197-209.
- Mananeke, L., Machmud, R. (2021). Interacting effects of political social media use, political discussion and political trust on civic engagement: Extending the differential gains model. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 16(4), pp.759-764
- Yudiatmaja, W.E. (2020). Public service motivation and service quality of local government employees: A moderated mediation analysis. Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.33-49.
- Chikazhe, L., Nyakunuwa, E. (2022).Promotion of Perceived Service Quality Through Employee Training and Empowerment: The Mediating Role of Employee Motivation and Internal Communication. Services Marketing Quarterly, 43(3), pp.294-311
- Yudiatmaja, W.E., Salomo, R.V., Prasojo, E. (2021). Smart Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA) competencies during COVID-19: A confirmatory factor analysis using SEM approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2049(1), pp.012014
- Nugroho, A.A., Azmi, I.F. (2021). Alleviating Society’s Economic Crisis: Narrative Policy on Social Safety Nets Policy Process during Covid-19 Pandemic. Policy & Governance Review, 5(2), pp.113-127.
- Biswas Mellamphy, N., Girard, T., Campbell, A. (2022). Interpreting crises through narratives: the construction of a COVID-19 policy narrative by Canada’s political parties. Critical Policy Studies, Article in Press
- Maznorbalia, A., Safiah, S., Awalluddin, M.A., Aiman, A. (2021). Users acceptance of E-government system in sintok, Malaysia: Applying the UTAUT model . Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.66-81.
- Zeebaree, M., Agoyi, M., Aqel, M. (2022). Sustainable Adoption of E-Government from the UTAUT Perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(9), pp.5370. Press
- Mensah, I.K., Mwakapesa, D.S. (2022). The Drivers of the Behavioral Adoption Intention of BITCOIN Payment from the Perspective of Chinese Citizens. Security and Communication Networks,2022, pp.7373658. Press
- Mensah, I.K., Mwakapesa, D.S. (2022). The Impact of Context Awareness and Ubiquity on Mobile Government Service Adoption. Mobile Information Systems,2022, pp.5918826. Press
- Rassanjani, S., Risky, N., Maz, D., Alqarni, W., Tharis, M. A. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activities and Poverty Threats in the Asia-Pacific Region. Policy & Governance Review, 5(1), pp.82-96.
- Albada, A., Nizar, N.. (2022). The Impact of the Investor Sentiment Index (SMI) on the Malaysian Stock Market during the COVID 19 Pandamic. International Journal of Economics and Management, 16(2), pp. 225-236
- Putera, P.B., Pasciana, R. (2021). Big data for public domain: A bibliometric and visualized study of the scientific discourse during 2000–2020 . Policy & Governance Review, 5(3), pp.220-239.
- Putera, P.B., Suryanto, S., Ningrum, S., Widianingsih, I., Rianto, Y. (2022). Three Decades of Discourse on Science, Technology and Innovation in National Innovation System: A Bibliometric Analysis (1990-2020). Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2109854
- Tanjung Sutarna, I., Agus Margono, S., Heruanto Hadna, A. (2021). Post Decentralization Corruption: A study on perpetual corruption at the local level in West Lombok. . Policy & Governance Review, 5(3), pp.274.
- Alam, M.D.S., Gani, A.J.A., Muluk, M.R.K., Wijaya, A.F. (2022). The Patronage Leadership on Java: Is There a Toxic Leader?. Res Militaris, 12(2), pp. 553-566