Behavioral Patterns of Social Media Users toward Policy: A Scientometric Analysis A Scientometric Analysis

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Teguh Satria Achmad Nurmandi


This research explores the behavioural patterns of social media users in response to policies, bridging a gap in the literature by providing in-depth insights into the interaction between user behaviour and public policies relating to social media. An important contribution of this research lies in its holistic approach to understanding how social media users respond to various public policies and their impact on their behaviour. This research aims to explore the influence of the interaction between social media and public policy, understanding how user behaviour on these platforms affects responses to government policies. This study uses qualitative research methods with a scientometric approach. The main results underline the crucial role of social media not only as a communication channel but also as a significant influence tool in shaping public opinion and policy. These studies show that social media has a dual potential, which can support professional and community development, as well as influence government policies and actions through social interaction and information dissemination. However, negative impacts are also evident, such as in the spread of fake news that can significantly alter political views. The practical implications of this research emphasise the need for proactive and systematic government strategies in using social media for the dissemination of accurate information and combating fake news, thereby improving the effectiveness of policy communication and responsiveness to public needs.


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SATRIA, Teguh; NURMANDI, Achmad. Behavioral Patterns of Social Media Users toward Policy: A Scientometric Analysis. Policy & Governance Review, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 192-211, may 2024. ISSN 2580-4820. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024. doi:


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