
  • Iapa Proceedings Conference

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    About Iapa Conference


    Over the last ten years, the world has been gripped by rapid, wide ranging changes. The world today is a society that is experiencing and living a new world order, which many today refer to as the “global and digital society”. Rapid advancements in information technology have made territorial boundaries no longer relevant in relations among nations. Today global values can easily permeate the society in remote areas. Consequently, marginalized people, who are often considered to be very far from the center of power, also have access to drivers of global developments. Local population has easy access to information on global politics taking shape in other countries. Load More



  • Policy & Governance Review

    Policy & Governance Review
    Editor-in-ChiefBevaola Kusumasari
    ISSN2580-3395 (Print)
    ISSN2580-4820 (Online)
    Frequency: 3 issues / year
    AccreditationSinta 2 and Certificate
    Language: English
    Citations Analysis: Scopus, Google Scholar


    Policy & Governance Review is published by Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) three times a year (January, May and September). This journal encompasses issues and practices in digital government, collaborative governance, public policy, public management, social media, disaster and crisis management, decentralization, environmental issue. PGR provides high quality study outcomes and new thoughts for academic practitioners, researchers, scientists and consultants to discuss about social science theories and concepts to significant political, economic and social issues and to the ways in which public policies are made. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, it will undergo a peer-review process. All peer review is double-blind.


    PGR collaborates closely with the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA), the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA), and the Asian Group of Public Administration (AGPA). This unique partnership underscores the journal’s commitment to fostering a global dialogue on public administration, providing a platform that significantly contribute to the enrichment of governance studies.